Friday, 18 March 2016

English Topics and Stellar Books (Term 2)

These are the STELLAR units that will be covered under English in 2016 Term 2:
  1. The Hungry Giant
  2. The Giant’s Ice Cream
  3. The Jigaree
  4. Ants in a Hurry 
These are in the form of story books and details of STELLAR can be found at:

The Spelling List for Term 2 has been given to the pupils in Term 1 Week 10

Other Updates

  1. The pupils will also be going on a learning journey to the Singapore Zoo on Tuesday 29th March 2016. The consent form has also been given to the pupils in Term 1 Week 10.
  2. English Worksheet File: Due to the number of worksheets and the weight of the file, the worksheets in the red English Worksheet file will be removed from the file, put together using a fastener and returned to the pupils by the end of Term 2 Week 1 (Updated: This worksheet booklet will be kept in class due to a book check by the English department in Term 2). Please keep these at home and use them for revision for the other assessments in the year.
  3. English Writing File: As there are only 3 pieces of writing in Term 1, the activity sheets for Term 1 will not be removed.

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