Monday 25 January 2016

STAR Pupil - January

The STAR Pupil award goes to Toh Xue Yi this month.

Although quiet in class, Xue Yi is a kind and thoughtful girl. She is always willing to lend a helping hand her friends in need.

She is also polite, hardworking and and very well behaved in class. Keep up your good behaviour and may you continue to be a good role model for the class .

Magic Word Song

Dear pupils of 1E ,

During FTGP lesson yesterday, we learned the actions to the song Magic Words.

Here is You tube Video. Play and listen together with your parents.

May we always learn to use these Magic Words .

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Mathematics Marking Notes

Dear parents,

I am sharing with you my marking notes so that you can better support your child in his/her work.
I have shared my marking notes with the pupils and they up getting use to my marking notes in class to monitor their own corrections and work.

However, a handful of them still need reminders and more support.

For Math Workbook, the notes can be found on the title page of their workbooks.

1) Corrections to be done : the page number(s)  will be indicated

2) Corrections done and marked : the page number(s) will be cancelled off

3) Re-corrections or second reminder for corrections : the page number(s) will be circled

For Math Test book , the pupils will be required to tear out the pages by the Chapters Units. This is to lighten their school bags should they need to complete the work at home.  

For Maths Test Book and Math Worksheets:

We will follow the marking notes as above.

1) Ready for filing : a double tick

We will only file the Math Test Units and Math Worksheets in teh Blue Math files when they achieved a double tick . Otherwise it will still be a worksheet "in progress"

Hope the above helps in monitoring your child's work. Thank you for your support.

Workbook Title Page 

Ready for filing :) 


PAL Lesson 1

Thursday 14 January 2016

Counting to 10

Yesterday we had a Math lesson where the pupils learn to relate the "numerals" to the "words" of Numbers 1 to 10.

Here are some photos to share.

Class Rules and Class Routines

Hi parents,

Here are the slides I have shared with the class on our class rules and class routines. We hope the pupils will follow these rules so that we can have a happy and safe learning environment for everyone. Do spend some time to go through these slides with you child to reinforce these understanding.

I have also pasted the rules on Page 14 for their School Handbook today. Do help to acknowledge by signing on the same page.

Thank you,
Mrs Ow Yong

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Thursday 7 January 2016

English Topics and Stellar Books (Term 1)

These are the STELLAR units that will be covered under English in 2016 Term 1:
  1. The Farm Concert
  2. Mrs Wishy-Washy
  3. Dan, the Flying Man
  4. Hairy Bear
  5. The Red Rose
  6. To Town ( Not tested for English Quiz 1)
These are in the form of story books and details of STELLAR can be found at:

First Week of School

Miss Lim and myself were excited and look forward to welcome our P1 class this year.
We will be spending the next few weeks getting the pupils to understand  the class and school rules and settling them into our classroom routines.

Most of the pupils are settling well. Do remember to help your child pack the correct story books for the morning silent reading.

Monday - Wednesday : English story book 
Thursday - Friday: Mother Tongue story book

We will need your support to help your child change their story books once they have finished reading so that they will be better engaged during the 20 minutes of silent reading time. 

We did a hand print activity where they are required to trace both their left and right hand prints. It was wonderful to see the little ones working cooperatively helping each other to complete the task.

.Miss Lim explaining how to trace theie hand prints. 

Hakim's handprint :)